Poets On The Trail 2022

Poets on the Trail Poetry Evening (£5 or £12 per family of 4)
19:30 - 21:45 on Thursday 16 June
Barnabas Community Church
An informal evening with local poets and musicians, plus refreshments
In 2019 there was a poetry evening as part of the Belle Vue Arts Festival. It was the first time that poetry had been part of the festival and it was staged in the same venue as an exhibition of painting and drawing.
The format was informal and intimate. It was well received by performers and audience, and we saw great potential to develop it without losing the friendly, non-threatening atmosphere. In July 2021 we staged Poets Run Wild at Barnabas Church. It is a large performance space with modern, reliable technology but we were forced to restrict audience numbers because of COVID rules. We turned people away but those who came had a great evening.
We are now planning Poets on the Trail at Barnabas on Thursday 16th June. Michael Carding will host the event and introduce “friends” to contribute. There will about eight featured poets, most having a five-minute slot to recite one or two poems. There will also be a short music slot in each half to bring variety to the programme. Michael will link each “friend” with a bit of banter and his own poetry.
The title comes from the Arts Festival theme for 2022 which is “JOURNEYS”. You may wish to stick to this or wander off the trail; its OK. There will be an Art Exhibition at Barnabas as part of the Belle Vue Arts Festival which will help us make the interval interesting as well as refreshing. Ideas for publicity have already been drawn up; poets and musicians are encouraged to spread the word and bring friends with them. It is intended to be family fun without bad language or poetry that is too brutal.
Tickets are available AT THIS LINK
We hope for our biggest audience yet and a rewarding evening of poetry, music, and fellowship.