Getting Involved
We love to receive lots of entries for the variety of things we have on offer.
This includes:
Uploading photos of your garden for Garden Galleries
Uploading your poetry on the festival theme
Uploading photos of your knitting creations
Entering our Instagram Photography Competition
And of course any other creative ideas you may have.
Chalk art, window art, home made bunting, themed inspired art...
Belle Vue Arts Festival is run entirely by volunteers and needs the help of community members to flourish, so we’re always looking for friendly and enthusiastic people to join us.
There’s plenty to do, and it’s a great way to get to know your community better, make new friends and have fun. Tasks for our festival include:
Managing our website
Managing our social media
Perhaps writing a blog post
Helping us improve community links
Helping us promote local artists/local creative groups
Helping us promote the festival
Helping us plan future events
Helping us with workshops (all kinds)
So, if you feel that you could spare some time and help to support us and the Belle Vue community, please get in touch.
You can do this by emailing bellevueartsfestival@gmail.com and just jotting down a few details about yourself (name, contact number, email) and the type of things you're interested in helping us with.
You are always welcome to attend a committee meeting to learn more!