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Drop-in Art Sessions

Venue: Bloom, Studio 39, Longden Coleham, SY3 7DQ

Date/Time: Saturday 3 June, 1pm - 3pm and Saturday 10 June, 1pm - 3pm

Children's art activities for all ages, based on our theme 'Heroes'. With a wonderful range of art materials provided, it's a winning combination of children's imagination and creativity. 

Note: Under 6's must be accompanied at all times, but for parents and carers of the over 6's, you can nip out for a quick coffee if you wish! 

Drink & Draw

Venue: House Coffee, Coleham SY3 7DU

Date/Time: Monday 12 June, 5pm - 7pm

Join us for this fun family event where three resident artists offer some of their ideas and then the rest of us get to have a go! You are very welcome to bring your own art materials.

Sorry, but this event is now FULLY BOOKED.

Please note, this event is alcohol free.    

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